Most colleges, no matter their prestige or location, have a significant portion of their student population that come from the local area. Depending on where you are located, the local area could mean a city, a county, neighboring counties, or a state (as with rural states like Montana, or even some of the small Northeastern states, like Vermont). For many students, choosing a college that is relatively close to home is important. I went to a univeristy that was about 60 miles from where I grew up. I considered that local, but not too local.
The reason I said that my university wasn't too local has to do with something that I believe is a very important process that occurs in college. Part of being 18 or 20 (in my case - I was a transfer student) and going to college is about maturation. A healthy individual is able to have a life and experience both outside and inside their family. Part of development is independence. It was my opinion when I chose my university that becoming independent required that I get some distance between myself and my family. I didn't want to always be coming home on the weekends, although I wanted to have the option to fairly easily come home when I did want to see my family.
If you choose to go to a very local college, and by that I mean a college where you would probably live at home and commute to campus, developing independence is not as easy. It is still possible and occurs all the time. However, if mom still makes your dinner and washes your dirty clothes, you are not really graduating into adulthood. Therefore, if you are considering going to a very local college, I ask you to think about this notion of independence as I have described it. Does it sound like something that is important to you? Do you believe that you can develop a healthy independence and still live at home (or at least live within a 15 minute drive from home)? Maybe you are like I was when I chose where to go to college, you want to the distance to form an independent identity, but you also want to be able to come home and eat mom's good cooking once in a while.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
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1 comment:
The college I'm thinking of going to is about 60 miles away from home, and i'm not sure i want to be that close because i still want to be able to grow up.
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